Friday, October 14, 2016

Some stability in my life.

 With the recent assembly party, I have something vaguely boat-ish looking, but it's woefully unstable at the moment and in need of some rigidity. I swear this is not a metaphor for the rest of my life, but lets just say it would do us both some good to shore things up a bit. For now, I'll start with the boat, easy target I say.

Papa had a handy jig laying around from past projects which is perfect for cutting the angles on any 1x2 boards for scarfing. I have two rub rails to install. One stretching 18' from bow to stern and the other stretching about 12' from the rear of the cabin to the bow. This will give a lot of stability in the meantime until the bottom is secured later.

However, before I could install the rub rails, I did have to make the beam which will eventually support the fore cabin decking. It also gives a little more shape to the front third of the hull. My first lap joint attempt was going beautifully until I measured and failed to account for the proper angle. Sooo I pieced in a a block, trimmed the ends, a little sanding and poof. All better.

Now the final touch for the day. Centerlines are drawn on all bulkheads and forms and now comes the moment where I can assure that they are all aligned and I don't end up with a crooked boat. Papa has been teaching me to trust my eye. The lines of a boat should always be fair and pleasing to the eye. If they are not, then you can set about doing something about it. In this case, the centers look good, I tighten the screws on the rub rails and feel happy that I have a little stability in my life.

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